SecAppDev 2024 lecture details

A gentle intro to Ethereum and "smart contracts"

Ethereum is a programmable blockchain, a "world computer" powering decentralized applications. Find out how software for this "world computer" - smart contracts - are written using the Solidity language.

Wednesday June 5th, 14:00 - 15:30
Room West Wing
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Chances are you’ve heard of Ethereum - the world’s second-largest blockchain and sometimes called a "World computer". Ethereum is a "programmable blockchain" and has by far the largest developer community actively developing "decentralized apps" on top of it. Find out how software for this "World computer" is written as I take you on a tour of the origins of "smart contracts", how to write contracts using the Solidity language and review common pitfalls and best practices. We end with a sweeping vista of the emerging "internet of blockchains" and how Web3 development is changing.

Key takeaway

Learn what programmable blockchains like Ethereum are all about, what kinds of applications they enable and what common pitfalls developers face.

Content level


Target audience

Software developers, software architects


Basic familiarity with writing code (e.g. in Java, Python, C). No deep knowledge of blockchain or cryptography is assumed.

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Tom Van Cutsem
Tom Van Cutsem

Associate Professor, KU Leuven

Expertise: Distributed systems, web apps and blockchain (d)apps

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